The Tongues of False Prophets

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It’s a sad world when people search for prophets more than they do God. But it God that sends both false prophets and true prophets. True prophets come in His name. In other words, true prophets are sent on God’s behalf to correct the distortions of the gospel and to give warnings of being on the wrong path to the Father. They will give a choice of whether to repent (turn back to God) or to remain on the same path they are wandering on. True prophets are sent to bring you back home or in other words to bring you back on the right way instead of the distorted way.


A distorted doctrine will lead you to a distorted way

Sheba Solomon

A false prophet steers you away from the gospel and their prophecies focus on the world rather than God. All prophetic words are to glorify God, not man. They steer you towards focusing on men rather than God the Father. Though they may use scripture to attain their prophecy, other things they do will be out of alignment with the Word of God. For instance, a false prophet will speak in “tongues’ and then start telling you the future of what is to come. They will use God’s name in vain to do it. However, scripture says, that two not more than three are to interpret what the prophet is saying. This is not done. If it’s not done, it’s not in order and only the spirit of the antichrist does and says things that are out of order. Additionally, true tongues are not a private prayer language. The Bible does not speak about a private prayer language. It does speak about praying privately, but praying privately and using some secret language to tell the future is not of God the Father in heaven. True tongues however is speak true earthly languages. For instance, if I speak in English and someone is Spanish and doesn’t know English, they will hear me in Spanish. God is not weak, nor does He have a disability. God the Father who made the languages, is perfectly capable of speaking to you in a language you understand. He demonstrated it at Pentecost. God the Father does speak the language of the Truth which is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

So why does God the Father send false prophets? Simply to see if you love Him. 2 

 God describes a false prophet as one who “presumes to speak in My name anything I have not commanded, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods”4 (Deuteronomy 18:20). In Jeremiah 14:14, God says these evildoers prophesy lies, offering “false visions, divinations, idolatries, and the delusions of their minds.”

A false vision is not someone lying about a vision they have seen. They could have certainly seen a vision, however it is a false vision or a lying vision in the manner that God did not send it. However, these visions focus on the world and on man. 1 The verse states “presumes to speak in My name anything I have not commanded or speaks in the name of other gods.” Therefore a lying prophet of any kind who presumes3 including the even the elect can deceive. Regarding other gods, the verse is speaking about anyone who decides or gives a judgment, thus acting as a deity. There are spiritual legal implications of prophecies being spoken without authority, because the one rendering these prophecies are actually rendering a legal determination or verdict as though it came from God.

People have long heard the voice that false prophets will deceive even the very elect. However the verse is misunderstood and misread. The false understanding leads people to believe that if it were possible, even the elect will be deceived. However the true understanding is “it is possible that even the very elect will be deceivers.’ When greed and ego enter into an unrepentant mind, yes though someone is sent from God the Father, even the fallen elect can be a deceiver. That’s why we are to watch because Satan prowls looking for someone to devour.

What is the most important distinction between a false prophet and a true one? A false prophet will always distort the image of God, by making prophecies that are supposed to be about God the Father and Christ, end up being about the world instead.

Confusion arises when the gifts of speaking in tongues and prophesying overlap. False prophets misuse the true interpretation of the word “tongues” to predict the future, though the Bible views prophecy as superior since it conveys the spirit of Jesus Christ, who embodies prophecy. It’s the message of Jesus that strengthens the church, not the speaking in tongues, which is separate from prophecy. The key to church edification, or building up, is the Spirit of Prophecy—Christ himself—rather than the use of tongues. Tongues is also for non believers, not for believers. Be careful to judge these things before you believe them. We must remember that God the Father judges our deeds and it is the false prophets that give witness to the verse Matthew 7:22Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ 23Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness!’


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About The Author

1. There are many prophecies today that speak about the world using God's name in vain to do it. False prophecies use God's name to focus on man's desires and the world without looking at the real reasons why people are in the situation they are in. True prophecies correct a distorted image of the Godhead.
2. Worshiping Other Gods 13 [a]If a prophet, or one who foretells by dreams, appears among you and announces to you a sign or wonder, 2 and if the sign or wonder spoken of takes place, and the prophet says, “Let us follow other gods” (gods you have not known) “and let us worship them,” 3 you must not listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer. The Lord your God is testing you to find out whether you love him with all your heart and with all your soul.
3. To presume to speak in someone's name means to claim the authority or the right to represent or speak on behalf of that person without their permission or authorization. It often carries a sense of arrogance or audacity, as the person is assuming a privilege or role that they may not actually possess. In religious or spiritual contexts, it can refer to individuals claiming to convey messages from a deity or spiritual entity without genuine sanction or evidence of such authority.
4. 430 אֱלֹהִים [ʾelohiym /el·o·heem/] n m p. Plural of 433; TWOT 93c; GK 466; 2606 occurrences; AV translates as “God” 2346 times, “god” 244 times, “judge” five times, “GOD” once, “goddess” twice, “great” twice, “mighty” twice, “angels” once, “exceeding” once, “God-ward + 4136” once, and “godly” once. 1 (plural). 1A rulers, judges. 1B divine ones. 1C angels. 1D gods. 2 (plural intensive—singular meaning). 2A god, goddess. 2B godlike one. 2C works or special possessions of God. 2D the (true) God. 2E God. Strong, J. (1995). In Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon. Woodside Bible Fellowship.
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