My Coveting

Psalm 73:2 CSB “But as for me, my feet almost slipped; my steps nearly went astray. For I envied the arrogant; I saw the prosperity of the wicked. Psalm 73:21-28…… Read More

Forgiveness More Than A Feeling

Recently, I was in a class and it was about forgiveness. I have heard people say that “forgiveness isn’t about them, it’s about you” or “God forgives, I don’t” or…… Read More

Hard Heart

This week, God has shown me a lot about what it means to have a hardened heart…in the process, He showed me myself. I’ve heard that term “hard heart” thrown…… Read More

My Discipline

“Whoever loves DISCIPLINE loves knowledge, BUT he who HATES reproof is stupid.” Gods Words! Not mine!! I just found them tonight in Proverbs 12:5. It made me wince!!! ???? If…… Read More

A Testament In Rebellion

Rebellion. As a mom of three little ones, I come across rebellion almost daily. Finding hidden snacks from when someone was told “not right now”, a glance of touching something…… Read More

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