The Message In The Plague

God allows plagues because there are a people that have been praying to God for the righteousness of God to rule in the earth. Just like with the Israelites in…… Read More

Trump Status Changes -Prophetic Word March 23, 2020

March 23, 2020 Last night the Lord gave me another dream about President Trump. In the dream I was in the country and was walking on a country road with…… Read More

Covid Hurricane Part Two

  To purchase a transcript please click link below [purchase_link id=”2759″ style=”button” color=”blue” text=”Purchase Transcript”]   To read Part One click here Validations     March 23, 2020Prophetic Press ReleasesNo…… Read More

Trump’s New Status-Please Share

Find Part One here Last night the Lord gave me another dream about President Trump. In the dream I was in the country and was walking on a country road…… Read More

The Glory & Covid-19- A Divine Prophetic Word

Copy and paste does not work on this site. In order to share this word please click link below. Please help us distribute this Word On April 22, 2015 I…… Read More

The Owls Are Falling Prophetic Word

The Owls Are Falling Prophetic Word January 6, 2020 A week ago or so I had a dream of owls falling from the sky. They were thousands of them and…… Read More

A Word About Kanye West

Revelation 16:13 Then I saw three impure spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out…… Read More

Motivational Preachers?

Jesus was not a motivational speaker. He was an inspirational speaker because His words came from God so that you could know God in heaven. Motivational speakers speak about you,…… Read More

Purchasing The Truth vs The Word

There is a difference between the Word, The Truth in the Word and the Wisdom of the Word. However, if you are in the world you will believe that you…… Read More

Biblical Possession Identifying and Casting Out Evil Spirits & Demons

Book Reviews [review id=”277″] [review id=”278″] [review id=”280″] [review id=”281″] [review id=”282″] [review id=”283″] Purchase now at a discounted price or click buttons to take you to Amazon, Goodreads or…… Read More

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