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[purchase_link id=”1094″ style=”button” color=”blue” text=”Purchase Sample”] May 30, 2018Prophetic Press ReleasesNo Comments2336 ViewsAll POSTS ARE UNDER COPYRIGHT PROTECTION. IF YOU WISH TO ATTAIN A COPY OF ANY WRITTEN WORD ON…… Read More

Upholding & Fulfilling

We don’t uphold the Law or God’s Word for Him. We uphold it WITH HIM. When we uphold God’s Law or God’s Word with HIM, we establish on earth what…… Read More

God’s Will For You

People ask ‘what is the will of God for my life?” I tell them: If you don’t know God’s Will in the first place, how then are you going to…… Read More

Jesus Fish

All over the world we see the symbol of a fish with the name of Jesus within the borders of the fish. People often call it the Jesus fish. But…… Read More

Accurate Word

Don’t mistake people who are polite as trustworthy. Politeness has nothing to do with accuracy. Wolves use politeness to lure you in,  while true messengers of God use correctness. Prophetic…… Read More


Before anyone is permitted by God to go out to the world and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, he or she will be tested on what is the Word…… Read More

Mind of Christ

If you truly believe that you have the mind of Christ, then you will know why your prayers don’t get answered. 1 Corinthians 2:16 For, “Who can know the LORD’s thoughts?…… Read More

God Is Not The Author of Confusion

What is the definition of confusion? It is the mistaking of one person or thing for another. It is also a disorderly jumble.  Confusion is the product or fruit that…… Read More


Don’t apologize for things that are either accidents or things that you are sincerely not sorry for…because if you do, you are lying not only to God but to others…… Read More


If you really had wisdom, you would have God’s power. And if you quit seeking wisdom, then you have no power at all. Seeking wisdom involves questions. So if you…… Read More

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