Thursday August 22, 2024- Prophetic Alert! Earthquake Washington DC

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I dreamed I was standing on the street in Palm Beach with the ocean on the left side. On the sidewalk or the street, there was a very tall white evergreen tree that reached from the earth into the heavens. It sparkled like it was Christmas time. Then I could see a white tornado that wrapped around the Christmas tree as the tree turned into a tornado. I was reminded of the pillar of the cloud that led the Israelites in the wilderness. Then I looked and saw a white square building beside it. Across the top of where the door would be, I saw the word “earthquake’.

The only square buildings I could find located in Washington DC were the Washington Monument and the White House.
Because the dream specifically showed me a white house and presented it to me like a temple, the only building that God was speaking of would be the literal ‘white house.’
As I searched through Google Earth, the layout of where the earthquake would hit, I saw as I moved my cursor over the map and saw the Ellipse and on it said “The National Christmas Tree”
I knew this was a locater as I had seen in my dream of the Christmas tree. I also saw that the tree was covered in white lights in 2008, the last year of President Bush’s presidency before Obama took over in January 2009.
The National Christmas Tree was hit by strong winds this past year in 2023 and was toppled over on November 28, 2023.

The Lord reminded me of the words “Those who sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind,” and quickly showed me that it was Chuck Schumer who had said these words to the two justices on the Supreme Court of which Chief Justice Roberts had given a public reprimand to Schumer citing that his comments were not only irresponsible but very dangerous.
However it is God who appoints the judges on earth for His purposes, therefore Schumer in addressing the justices on the Supreme Court was in effect addressing God Himself and making strong rebukes against God Himself and those whom He had appointed.

When President Trump survived the attempted assassination, God spoke to me and said “Those whom I have appointed, I will protect.” He then showed me that Donald Trump was anointed by God Himself by the bleeding of the right ear and that his feet would touch the blood. He also showed me that He is God’s anointed one, not only as a president and leader but also as a priest of the Most High God. It was only a few days later, that Joe Biden was replaced with Kamala Harris. She in effect was called the ‘anointed one’ but only but people and not by God. She was given that position through an earthly kingdom appointment which was not authorized by the laws of the land nor as one approved by God.

These words were found in Hosea where it is said “Hosea 8:4-10 The Message (MSG)
“They crown kings, but without asking me. They set up princes but don’t let me in on it. Instead, they make idols, using silver and gold, idols that will be their ruin. Throw that gold calf-god on the trash heap, Samaria! I’m seething with anger against that rubbish! How long before they shape up? And they’re Israelites! A sculptor made that thing— it’s not God. That Samaritan calf will be broken to bits. Look at them! Planting wind seeds, they’ll harvest tornadoes. Wheat with no head produces no flour. And even if it did, strangers would gulp it down. Israel is swallowed up and spit out. Among the pagans, they’re a piece of junk. They trotted off to Assyria: Why, even wild donkeys stick to their kind, but donkey-Ephraim goes out and pays to get lovers. Now, because of their whoring life among the pagans, I’m going to gather them together and confront them. They’re going to reap the consequences soon and feel what it’s like to be oppressed by the big king.
The tree in the dream was white and it sparkled greatly with white lights, but the whirlwind encompassed it and absorbed it. The tree was tall, but the white whirlwind extended out of heaven and onto the earth and engulfed the tree.

Immediately I saw a white square/rectangular building with the word “EARTHQUAKE” written on it. Because of its position and relation to the tree, it was in front of it. I was looking toward the south from the north. On Google Maps if you look south from the White House you will see the position of the National Christmas tree location which is in the place called Ellipse. South of the Ellipse is another square/rectangular white building of which is the Abraham Lincoln Memorial as well as the Washington Monument which is an obelisk. Because the building looked like a temple/court of judgment, I found that obelisks were often referred to as monuments to what the people deemed their god.

Thus the obelisk confirms him as a god, as those types of monuments are symbols of a deity

In Washington, DC, George Washington is the ‘father’ of the country and was given a god-like monument in his honor. In the capital building, Washington’s painting in the eye of the dome, The Apotheosis of Washington, depicts the nation’s first president rising into the heavens in glory (in theology, “apotheosis” refers to the elevation of an individual to the rank of a god). 

When the events of January 6, 2021 occurred, many politicians came out to say many things as the building being a ‘sanctuary, a church, and a sacred place. In fact In his remarks on the Senate floor, Senator Dick Durbin said that the Capitol was “a sacred place … desecrated by a mob. This temple to democracy was defiled.” Representative Mario Diaz-Balart described the Capitol as “the center and sacred symbol of democracy.” Senator Patrick Lahey noted that the invading terrorists had “defiled” the building. In the aftermath, during a press conference, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi described the Capitol as “the temple of our American democracy.” Former President Barack Obama bemoaned the “desecrated chambers of democracy,” while President-Elect Joe Biden said that we “grieve the desecration of the people’s house.” Columnist Mario A. Loyola wrote that “hallowed ground was violated today by an unspeakable sacrilege.”

Thus George Washington the god of democracy was to be served, which is clearly understood in this regard. So to save democracy is to save the human god through whom he speaks. Democracy means ‘rule by the people’. Rather than an ideal it has been morphed into a religion and the church of democracy is on what is called the sacred grounds of the congress. Today’s democratic party through the spirits who occupy the places of power including the White House, where seances continued to take place since the days of Abraham Lincoln, the people have forgotten the God that created them and appointed themselves human gods and has anointed them as such. They appoint them as their leaders and anoint them as rulers in the face of God who alone anoints and appoints and prayerful men look for Him to guide them in His appointments.
While researching what the Lord has shown me, He led me to the tower of Babel and how men decided they were going to make themselves a tower or a way to rule as god over men.

Genesis 11:  4 Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.”
5 But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. 6 The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”

Today’s democratic party speaks the same language, sometimes word for word. They move as one unit and in doing so nothing is impossible because they are all in one accord. However, there is one flaw in their thinking. They are building their way, not God’s way. They are building in futility in a house that is built on the people or is built on sand, as sand represents the people. God did not appoint them in the manner they have appointed and anointed themselves. God has already begun to confound their language. When Kamala Harris speaks, she speaks in ‘word salad’ it is confusing and means nothing. When she lies she speaks demonic language, because only Satan is the father of lies. The democratic party of today is against God by being against His homeland, Israel. If anyone is against Israel, they are creating a war with God.

In the dream, the house represented the White House and the Lincoln Memorial. The pillar of the cloud represented two folds. One fold is God’s guidance and power and the other fold represents the George Washington Monument and the position that many Americans have placed him, thus inadvertently, worshipping and venerating a false or human god. In doing so all have violated the first commandment of God of “I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt have no other gods before Me.”
The nation of the United States is built on pride, but pride is not a character trait that God loves. Rather it is pride that God hates.

Therefore the Lord has shown that there is going to be an earthquake that will hit Washington DC. It will hit the White House, The Lincoln Memorial, The site of the National Christmas Tree, and the George Washington Monument and it will shake all other things that must be shaken. There will be a great upheaval both spiritually and physically. The power of God will hit the head of the nation, as it has turned its back on God, and whom God has appointed and anointed will be in charge of bringing a nation back to God. God has anointed a man to rule the people under the will and word of God, and not the word and will of anything that is brought out of spiritism and devils that have been listened to in Congress or the White House. He is coming to clean house and re-establish His Name in His way. Those who have sowed the wind shall now reap the whirlwind as their plans and outcomes will surely shock them as they will come to nothing.
Now watch for it, for it surely will be done.

Take note that whatever God does in the capital of the nation, shall also be done in the church as the greatest rift on the ground shall take place. A dividing line has been drawn. God is purifying the land and that includes the church. A new dispensation of his truth and understanding is coming forth of which the church cannot deny, regardless of denomination. God wants people to turn to him and to quit relying on human minds. Instead of seeking the Lord according to your need, He commands what He has always commanded and that is to 

Isaiah: 55:6-11

Seek GOD while he’s here to be found, pray to him while he’s close at hand. Let the wicked abandon their way of life and the evil their way of thinking. Let them come back to GOD, who is merciful, come back to our God, who is lavish with forgiveness. “I don’t think the way you think. The way you work isn’t the way I work.” GOD’s Decree. “For as the sky soars high above earth, so the way I work surpasses the way you work, and the way I think is beyond the way you think. Just as rain and snow descend from the skies and don’t go back until they’ve watered the earth, Doing their work of making things grow and blossom, producing seed for farmers and food for the hungry, So will the words that come out of my mouth not come back empty-handed. They’ll do the work I sent them to do, they’ll complete the assignment I gave them.

Hear the Word of the Lord,

Sophia Maria

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