Forgiveness Is A Holy Matter

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Jesus died so that the rift between man and God could be healed. Sin causes separation from God, because sin is an act of lawlessness. Lawlessness is a state of disorder due to a disregard of the law. Jesus did not come to take away the law but to fulfill the law. To fulfill something is to walk it out or carry out (a task, duty, or role) as required, pledged, or expected. Therefore Jesus came not to take away or do with the law but to carry it out as required, so that we would know how to do the same by watching what He did. Laws are commands which are accompanied by boundaries. God said that He wants His laws written on our hearts. Anything with the heart requires the searching of motives. It is in these motives that God searches for His desires and separates them from our own. These motives are where the Spirit of God and the spirit of man intersect. God’s Spirit is always sent with His motives. His Word accompanies those motives so that the purposes of God will be done in the earth.
When we sin our human earthly motives and desires, cause a rift between God and His Spirit. This causes separation because we have fell out of the commands of God. When we sin we fall into a state of lawlessness because we are not fulfilling God’s commands. Instead we are bowing down to our own selves instead of God. At times we may do this unknowingly, and God is able to forgive because we don’t know what we are doing. In other words we didn’t do it on purpose. However sinning on purpose, knowingly and willingly is sinning against the Holy Spirit, because we are knowingly denying the duties we have been bestowed with. Moreover we put Jesus on the cross all over again putting Him to shame, making His sacrifice a laughing stock.
It is then that we are blaspheming the Holy Spirit. blasphemy – Blashpeming is the act of reviling, ridiculing, or being disrespectful or irreverent of, by words or conduct anything considered sacred. Forgiving others is a sacred and holy thing. If we blaspheme we are going against the will of God by distorting His purposes. Blasphemy against the will or Spirit of God is an eternal sin, because in doing so you cannot have eternal life and eternal life is knowing our Father in heaven. Without operating within His Word, His Will in which His Spirit is Holy, you will be unable to know your Father in heaven. There is a difference between knowing about Him and knowing Him. Sin does not give you the ability. Jesus came so that you could have it. He did it by walking in the laws of God and forgiving.
Therefore, we are to forgive others in the church who sin against us. We are to forgive them 70 x 7 times. This is expression that means ‘boundlessness.’ However for those not in the church or those that don’t know any better, we are to show them how we forgive our brothers and sisters in Christ so that we can lead them also to a state of repentance or a turning away from a life that separates them from God. Jesus did it on the cross and we who have died with Him on that cross are to do the same. Jesus very words were “Forgive them, they don’t know what they do.” They didn’t know who their Father or His Word was, so they unknowingly sin against Him. Forgiveness shows that we have mercy, just as our Father had mercy on us. Glorify Him in restoring others who sin against us and have mercy and pray for those who have not reached their own state of repentance.

References: Matthew 18:22, Luke 23:34, Hebrews 10:26

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