Trials Work Patience

The bible says that “Trials Work Patience”..James 1: 2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, when you encounter trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith…… Read More

Will And Choice

There is a difference between ‘the will’ and ‘having a choice’…the choice will always be a product of the will. Yesterday I posted “How do you know if you are…… Read More

Trouble With Giving

If you don’t want to give your tithe or any offerings to your pastor because you don’t like what he does with it..then let me clear up some things for…… Read More

Trouble With Giving

If you don’t want to give your tithe or any offerings to your pastor because you don’t like what he does with it..then let me clear up some things for…… Read More

[stextbox id=’custom’ caption=’Something To Think About’ direction=’ltr’ shadow=”false”]To many of you believe in gimmicks in the church. What is a gimmick? A gimmick is a trick or device intended to…… Read More


To many of you believe in gimmicks in the church. What is a gimmick? A gimmick is a trick or device intended to attract attention, publicity, or business. Many of…… Read More

Prophetic Word-The Revealing of Antichrist

March 5, 2018 Revelation states that the antichrist will be revealed. The term “revealed” does not mean the same thing as “coming” or “has come.” The word revealed is a…… Read More

Heavenly Language?

The expression “heavenly language” is nowhere found in Scripture. However, some say that “heavenly language” is the language of angels. Since the bible is our only source regarding angels, you…… Read More


God sent His Word who is Jesus. Jesus is God’s Word. God uses Words to teach you. God uses His Word to lead you. God so loved the world He…… Read More


God sent His Word who is Jesus. Jesus is God’s Word. God uses Words to teach you. God uses His Word to lead you. God so loved the world He…… Read More

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