Understanding The Godhead; The Unseen!

There are three adjoining parts to the Godhead. The first is the Father. He is the invisible God. So one has seen Him. He is eternal life. In order for…… Read More

The Fraud of Gold and Silver

There have been stories posted about gold and silver falling in churches, about oil flowing from church walls, feathers, and fragrances flowing through church buildings, etc. Are they from God?…… Read More

The Misplaced Comma

And Jesus replied, “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.”…Jesus did not ascend into heaven on the same day He died. He rose on the third…… Read More

It’s A Dark Matter Prophecy

This is the original prophecy posted on April 30, 2015 in regards to a prophetic encounter on April 22, 2015. It can be found here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+PropheticPressReleases/posts/BPzjL6BZUDV and on Facebook link here: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=839540919434069&set=a.591367750918055&type=3&theater…… Read More

In the Manner

Satan and His angels are not what you see in movies. So don’t get it confused. Satan’s job is to twist God’s Word so that it is ineffective. He tested…… Read More

Why Did Peter Begin To Sink?

Matthew 14:22 Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. 23 After he had…… Read More

Temptations Are Opportunities

Today’s New Post 2018/03/23 April 2, 2018Prophetic Press ReleasesNo Comments327 ViewsAll POSTS ARE UNDER COPYRIGHT PROTECTION. IF YOU WISH TO ATTAIN A COPY OF ANY WRITTEN WORD ON THIS SITE,… Read More

Is Favor Fair?

New post added at Prophetic Press – I have been in many churches where the preacher has said “favor isn’t fair.”….so let me correct you on that nonsense. Favor in… Read More

Prophetic Press shared a link.

– Prophetic Press propheticpressreleases.com Bridge Over Troubled Waters PROPHETIC PRESS RELEASES·MONDAY, 30 JANUARY 2017 A week ago in my sleep, God showed me a bridge. Below the bridge I could…… Read More

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