
This world deliberately designs many things to spark wrong desires in us. If certain books, pictures, magazines, places, activities, or people cause temptation, they must be avoided regardless of the…… Read More


When studying the bible, the majority seem to go straight to the hebrew translation of certain words. The english language is very difficult in some ways and therefore in order…… Read More


God possesses people, not religions or any certain church denomination. Therefore God is responsible for you if you give your life over to Him and make Him as Lord over…… Read More

Hope and Trust

Hope is the foundation of trusting God. Without trust you have no hope and without hope you have no trust. October 16, 2018Prophetic Press ReleasesNo Comments1409 ViewsAll POSTS ARE UNDER…… Read More


Do you reflect God’s Word or do you refract it? [wpedon id=”1207″ align=”left”] October 16, 2018Prophetic Press ReleasesNo Comments1370 ViewsAll POSTS ARE UNDER COPYRIGHT PROTECTION. IF YOU WISH TO ATTAIN…… Read More


If you are truly chosen you will live a holy life…not a life of preaching words, but a life doing what Jesus preached…this is acceptable to God. October 16, 2018Prophetic…… Read More


Because the God who called you is holy, you must be holy in every aspect of your life. God only trusts holy people, because He can only trust that which…… Read More

Salt & Light

Jesus said that we are to be salt and light. Why are we to be salt? Because salt kills yeast. We are to be aware of the ‘yeast’ of the…… Read More

Salt & Light

Jesus said that we are to be salt and light. Why are we to be salt? Because salt kills yeast. We are to be aware of the ‘yeast’ of the…… Read More


If God can wait for you, you can wait on God! October 16, 2018Prophetic Press ReleasesNo Comments1646 ViewsAll POSTS ARE UNDER COPYRIGHT PROTECTION. IF YOU WISH TO ATTAIN A COPY…… Read More

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